Half Court game with Ball & Paddle


Tactical Problem: Creating open space on the court

Skill development: Pushing the opponent to the back of the court

                              Anticipating opponents “play” to the open court space



1 v.1 half court game

Ball and Paddle


  • ball must be played with an upward trajectory
  • the ball must bounce on the opponents side of the court
  • this bounce must occur within the playing area
  • ball must be played after one bounce by opponent
  • the court is to be exaggerated such that the playing area is longer than it is wider

(a)  (b)


Organizational Points: 

  • students are in groups of 2 or 3
  • one retrieves a ball and a rope, the other retrieves four cones and  locates a playing area
  • cones, ropes, and  balls are set out prior to instruction and spaced apart
  • balls are contained
  • unused equipment is not left lying on the sidelines

Teaching Points: 

Ø      Q. “How do you create open space in your opponents court?”

A. “By moving him/her front and back.”

Ø      Q. “Where is it harder to score from?”

A. “The back of the court.”

Ø      Q. “Why?”

A. “Because you have more time to play your opponents shot    

      when it comes from the back of the court.”

Modifications / Refinements / Progressions:

  • students are able to change the dimensions of the playing area (always longer or shorter - never wider)
  • if it is too easy then make the playing area longer
  • too difficult - decrease the length of the playing area

Find the appropriate dimensions that will challenge the students and provide success at the same time.